Whiskers at Work Program
While most cats enjoy living in a home, there are certain felines who are surrendered to HSLM that are not suited for this type of lifestyle. These cats range in temperament from feral to friendly, preferring the freedom and independence which consists of indoor/outdoor living arrangements.
Please be advised that HSLM is not recruiting cats to add to our Whiskers at Work Program. This program was launched to provide homes for cats who are already in our care.
Whiskers at Work Program Caretaker Applicant Requirements:
- Must be willing to provide shelter (a permanent heated building or structure like a barn, warehouse, stable or garage where they will be safe), food, water and veterinary care to cat(s) as needed.
- Applicant must be committed to long-term care of cat(s) and not simply seeking a short-term solution.
- Someone must live on the property or check in with the cat(s) on a daily basis.
- If dogs live on the property, they must not have a high prey drive or history of injuring cats or squirrels.

Adoption Fees
There is no adoption fee for a Whiskers at Work cat, however a donation towards the medical care of other cats in this program is much appreciated, as HSLM is a non-profit, charitable organization and receives no government funding.
Adoption of a Whiskers at Work Cat includes:
- Spay or neuter
- Microchipped
- Flea treatment with revolution
- Initial vaccinations
- Initial de-worming
- Rabies vaccination
- 7 day supply of food
- Any additional tests or treatments will be outlined in the medical record
Adoption Process
1. Once a potential adopter reaches out to adoptions@hslm.ca and is interested in adopting a Whiskers at Work (WAW) cat, a WAW application will be emailed to them to fill out and email back. Alternatively, a pdf application can be downloaded in the section below, filled out and emailed to the Adoption Team.
2. Upon review, an Adoption Councillor will contact the applicant.
3. After a phone interview, the Adoption Councillor will invite the potential adopter to pick up the cat(s) from HSLM. WAW cat adoption fees are $0.
Adoption Applications
Whiskers at Work Program Caretaker Application
Caretaker applications can be downloaded, printed and filled out at home and emailed to: adoptions@hslm.ca