Animal Care & Control Complaint Form

Humane Society London & Middlesex proudly provides Animal Care & Control services (including By-law Enforcement) for the Township of Adelaide-Metcalfe,  the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex & the Village of Newbury and Pound Keeping Services for the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich and the Municipality of West Elgin.

If you have a complaint and/or believe someone has violated your Municipalities Animal Control Bylaw, please fill out the form below, providing our Animal Control Officers with the required information to investigate the alleged violation. We ask that you describe only the facts of what you observed. Do not include any personal opinion, hearsay information or any information you cannot attest to. 

The personal information being collected on this form, by or on behalf of Humane Society London & Middlesex Animal Care and Control, will only be used for the purpose of investigation of compliance with the Municipalities Animal Control Bylaw. Your information shall be protected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended and the Municipalities Animal Control Bylaw. Please contact your Municipal Office to request an FOI,  if you require a copy of this information.

Your information shall be kept confidential, except where determined necessary by a court of law. Should this matter proceed to Court, you may be required to give evidence as a witness. As a result your information and filed complaint may become public information.

If you are reaching out regarding a concern in the City of London:
Please contact London Animal Care Centre; responsible for Animal Services (Bylaw concerns, Animal Licensing, Animal Control etc.,) in the City of London. They can be contacted at 519-685-1330 or

All starred (*) fields are required in order to investigate a concern/complaint. Anonymous complaints or complaints with only partial required information will not be investigated.

Animal Care & Control Complaint Form

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