Your Legacy, Their Future
Leaving a bequest in your Will provides you the opportunity to make a meaningful tribute to represent your love of animals.

Bequests have been instrumental in revitalizing our shelter from interior improvements to purchasing necessary medical equipment. These gifts help HSLM to shelter, treat and ensure a safe future for animals in our community.
Intention to Leave HSLM in Your Will
Knowing of your intentions to leave a gift in your Will helps us to plan for our long-term sustainability in education, shelter maintenance, services and capacity far into the future and to ensure that your gift is used as you wish. But most of all, we’d like to thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness. Any information that you share with us will remain strictly confidential.
Click button below to download the Intention to Leave a Gift to HSLM In Your Will Form.
Naming HSLM in Your Will
Our legal name is: London Humane Society
Our charitable registration number is: 119023869RR0001
Leave a lasting gift for the future of London & area animals and the future of our community.
It’s up to you to decide how your bequest will be used, however a general gift allows us to direct the monies received to the areas of greatest need.
Click button below to download the Naming HSLM in Your Will form.
Resource for Professional Advisors
We value our close partnerships with our professional advisors including financial advisors, lawyers, trust officers and funeral directors. We are grateful for the impact of your work.
Here are a few resources that will help meet the needs of your clients who want to support Humane Society London & Middlesex.
Legal Name: London Humane Society o/a Humane Society London & Middlesex
Charitable Registration Number: 119023869 RR0001
Our mailing address is:
1414 Dundas Street
London, ON N5W 3B6
PHONE: (519) 451-0630 ext 303
FAX: (519) 451-8995
To download this information, click the button below.
For more information please contact: Wendy Arnott, Interim Executive Director (519) 451- 0630 x 222 (