Humane Society London & Middlesex Animal Welfare Position Statements
HSLM opposes animal neglect and cruelty in any form
- Devocalization of companion animals: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the “devocalization” of companion animals.
- Dog breed restrictions: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the labelling of a particular breed of dog as “aggressive”, “vicious”, “dangerous”, or any other derogatory term. Instead, each animal within a breed grouping must be regarded individually.
- Humane training methods for dogs: Humane Society London & Middlesex uses positive humane training methods and does not condone training methods that cause pain, fear, and/or undue stress.
- Tethering of dogs: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support inhumane tethering of dogs, which is the practice of fastening a dog to a stationary object or stake for prolonged periods of time.
- Surgical alteration of companion animals for cosmetic reasons and declawing of felines: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the surgical alteration of companion animals for cosmetic purposes or declawing of felines. Examples of cosmetic alterations include tail docking and ear cropping. Surgical alterations due to injury or for health reasons are not considered cosmetic.
- Cat traps: Humane Society London & Middlesex supports the use of humane live cat traps only if all appropriate actions are taken to ensure the health and safety of the trapped cat.
- Feral cats: Humane Society London & Middlesex supports the non-lethal control and prevention of feral cat populations using a multimodal approach. The Society supports Trap-Neuter-Return of feral cats, subsidized accessible spay/neuter, and community education about responsible pet care.
- Free-roaming cats: Humane Society London & Middlesex recommends that domestic owned felines be kept indoors, or allowed outdoors only in an enclosed area or secured with a leash/tie-out with appropriate supervision.
- Breeding of domesticated animals: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the irresponsible breeding of domesticated animals such as backyard breeding operations and puppy mills.
- Classroom pets: Humane Society London & Middlesex supports classroom pets so long as the animal is owned by a responsible adult and taken home when school is not in session. Students must be taught how to care for, respect, and properly handle any animal visiting the classroom.
- Pets as gifts: Humane Society London & Middlesex recognizes that the decision to give a pet as a gift can be a well-thought out decision involving a future owner, but only if the owner has specifically expressed a desire to own an animal and has the ability to responsibly care for a pet.
- Transport of companion animals: HSLM encourages proper restraint and/or confinement of animals during transportation.
- Sale of animals in pet stores: Humane Society London & Middlesex opposes the sale of companion animals in markets or pet stores that engage in the unethical or disreputable sourcing of companion animals or without regard to the source of the animals they sell. HSLM supports the adoption of animals through shelters, rescue groups, Humane Societies, SPAs and their partners.
- Undomesticated Animals as pets: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the keeping of undomesticated animals as pets.
- Animals used in blood spectacles: Humane Society London & Middlesex is opposed to and supports the elimination of the use of animals in blood spectacles such as dog fighting, bullfighting, cockfighting and similar activities.
- Non-domesticated animals in entertainment: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support the use of non-domesticated animals for the purposes of public entertainment.
- Euthanasia: Humane Society London & Middlesex never euthanizes for shelter space. Humane Society London & Middlesex supports the use of humane euthanasia when all medical & behavioral avenues have been exhausted, and the anticipated quality of life for the animal is poor.
- Farming: Humane Society London & Middlesex supports the raising and marketing of livestock for food and resulting by-products so long as there is a standard of care that ensures the welfare of the animals.
- Improper psychological environment as a form of animal abuse: Humane Society London & Middlesex supports animals being raised and kept in an environment that promotes and maintains the emotional and psychological needs of the animal, in addition to their physical needs.
- Vertebrate Pest Management: Humane Society London & Middlesex does not support methods of vertebrate pest management that cause undue suffering, pain or distress of an animal. While the HSLM acknowledges that under certain circumstances, pest control and/or extermination may be required, the HSLM only supports the use of humane methods.